So I ended up doing a half marathon on Saturday as part of the Rotorua Half Ironman. It turned out to be a great event with really good and very casual atmosphere and the course was just stunning as the swim was in Lake Tikitapu, also called Blue Lake, the ride went along State Highway 30 out to Lake Rotoiti, Lake Rotoehu and Lake Rotoma and the run was around Lake Tikitapu and down to Lake Tarawera lookout.
Below is what you see from the lookout (luckily there was no snow on Mt Tarawera though)

It was extremely windy in the morning when the race started, the lake was super choppy and a lot of swimmers seemed to struggle with the conditions, not so Jarred's friend Guy Crawford who was way ahead of any competition and got out of the water 4min ahead of the next athlete, he only took 26 min for the 2km swim! Jarred didn’t do badly at all other then for his swim-bike transition; I quote Rob: ”He took longer then your girlfriend takes to get ready to go out!” , it was rather painful for us to watch, but also a great laugh as we weren’t worried were we would get in the race (I am not saying we wouldn’t give it heaps ;)) .
Jarred was riding my Roadster (Santa Cruz road bike) as he needed a roady and Rob assured us triathlon bikes are meant to be small so it would be the prefect fit for Jarred who is about 6 ft 1 (1.86m) and I am 5 ft 4 (1.66m) (not sure about ft as I work in meters) but anyway, Jarred is quite a bit taller then me.
We followed Jarred along the first bit of the course, watched him hammering it up the hills and overtake everyone along the way, it was great to watch. He had a good ride despite loosing his computer and therefore having to do a u-turn to get it back (we blame Mike Metz for this one), his time was 2hr 45(-ish)min.
Guy was still in the lead when he came back from his ride but unfortunately kicked his shoe when he hoped of the bike and managed to break his little toe! He didn’t look that happy when he started the run, now I know why! Nevertheless he took off like a gun and was on target to do his run in 1hr 22min before he started getting rather bad cramps and had to stop ever 2km to stretch before being able to move again. Guy won the race by 15sec!! What an awesome effort! Jarred and I weren't quite up there but did quite well, as we had fun which was our main goal. I had a pretty good run 1hr 30min which was still 2 min slower then Guy’s!! and we ended up 3rd amongst the all male teams (no typo there ;) )
all winners got a big cuddly toy ;) and some booze
below blue lake nice and placid (unlike the day of the race)

Ps: our team was called ‘roped in & the creeper’