the course for this national round was quite different to the typical national round race course format as we only did 3 longer laps instead of 5 or 6 shorter ones. i much prefer doing less laps as i find it quite boring doing the same course over and over again. also the course had great single track, some good climbs and offered some great spots to watch the action so all in all a really good race course.
i had a really bad start but that was ok as there was no great urgency to be first of the line as we headed up a long forest road before hitting the single track, so there was plenty of time to pass people and get a good position. i managed to get to the front a little way before the single track and therefore got to enjoy the nice trail without much traffic. the course was pretty tough as we didn't get any rest until we got up to hot-x (we only did half of the track though) but from there on it pretty much was all down hill back to the start of the lap: hot-x, dragon's tail and mad. it was wicked fun! there were heaps of awesome spectators cheering and yelling and as it seemed having a good time. - thanks heaps for all the support i got from you guys!! it makes racing so much more fun :)
and the weather pretty much held out too, we only got rained on at the end of the race. i was pretty stocked about that especially for the spectators who would have otherwise had a miserable time standing there in the rain.
my next race is on sunday 11jan, the first of the n-duro summer series.
happy trails - hope that summer weather is going to arrive sometime soon ;)
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